Local News
Billings Police Department makes changes in response to COVID-19

A message from the Billings Police Department.
Stay Safe. Stay Well.
As the City of Billings responds to confirmed cases of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), the men and women of the BPD remain steadfast in our commitment to maintain public safety, uphold the law and safeguard the well-being of our city. Our department is working closely with Yellowstone County’s Unified Health and Disaster and Emergency Services, along with our partner public agencies to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Here are some of the measures BPD is taking to protect sworn members, civilian staff and the public from exposure:
• Implemented internal social distancing practices and have postponed all non-essential travel and training.
• Officers will attempt to avoid all non-essential close contact (within 6 feet) when interacting with others.
• Sick employees are instructed to notify their supervisors, stay home, do not come to work, and seek medical care early.
• Members are instructed to wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and/or utilize an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with greater than 60% alcohol content.
• Officers are being issued Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
• In instances when there is close contact with an individual suspected of having COVID-19, officers are to utilize issued PPE.
• Commanding officers are to be proactive in ensuring routine cleaning and disinfecting of all PD facilities and equipment. In the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case at a police facility, the commander shall initiate an infectious disease cleaning protocol.
• Officers will be issuing Notice to Appears (NTA’s) and only arresting offenders as required by law or if they present a danger to the community.
• After today the Crime Prevention Center (CPC), which is primarily staffed by volunteers, will be closed to the public. We encourage anyone needing to make a police report that normally would be handled by the CPC to make the report using the BPD’s online reporting system here: https://www.ci.billings.mt.us/2838/Online-Reporting
• BPD Evidence facility will be altering hours to minimize contacts. The facility will only allow visitors by appointment only on Tuesdays from 7AM to Noon and Thursdays Noon to 4 PM. Call 237-6192 to schedule an appointment.
For up-to-date information about Billings’ response to COVID-19, visit https://coronavirus-response-billings.hub.arcgis.com/.
For a list of COVID-19 recommendations for law enforcement agencies, as provided by the Centers for Disease Control, please click this https://www.cdc.gov/…/communi…/guidance-law-enfo
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