Local News
Free parking in downtown Billing until the end of the year

Billings, Montana – If you are going to downtown Billings, you don’t have to worry about parking anymore because it is free until December 31 for the first two hours, thanks to the Downtown Billings Alliance.
“We’re hoping that it’s successful and we can continue this and it becomes a regular thing for the holidays that people expect,” development director for Downtown Billings Alliance, Mehmet Casey said.
According to the red ribbon notes put on downtown parking meters, the first two hours of parking are free. Free parking does not include city-owned parking garages or private parking lots in the downtown area.
Some of the ribbons were removed from their meters on Wednesday, but the first two hours of parking are still free, according to Casey.
For the first time this year, the Downtown Billings Alliance is hosting free parking. The benefit, according to Casey, is that it will hopefully encourage more people to shop downtown.
The alliance received approval from the Billings City Council to spend $30,000 from the Downtown Tax Increment Finance District to pay for the free parking.
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