Landowners will benefit from Puget Sound Energy’s wind farm, according to a Reed Point rancher

Montana – The company with the biggest stake in the Colstrip power station, Puget Sound Energy, has revealed plans to build 96 wind turbines on private property between Columbus and Reed Point, north of Interstate 90.
There will be towers owned by the Eder family and a few other landowners.
According to the business, building will begin in 2019 and the windmills will be operational by 2025.
“It’s peaceful,” said Loren Eder. “It’s quiet. You have the mountains to look at. It’s just a downhome way to live.”
Yet Eder’s ranch might be undergoing some adjustments.
“Without a doubt, the windmills will change the scenery,” Eder said.
Puget Sound Energy gets ready to start building a wind farm with a capacity of 248 megawatts.
“Farmers and ranchers are looking for ways to supplement their income and to be able to continue to operate and pay their bills and I think Dad was that same way,” Eder said.
Although Eder currently resides in the town, his father Delbert has been a part of the project since its inception 20 years ago.
In 2021, he passed away.
“I think he’d be very happy to see it happening,” Eder said.
However, even if it didn’t directly help the Eders, Stillwater Wind built a smaller plant in the previous ten years.
Regarding the Beaver Creek project, a few of the turbines’ concrete pads were actually constructed a few years ago, but due to supply chain problems and financial constraints, work on the project was put on hold.
“We’re very excited about the opportunity,” said Jim Hogan, Puget Sound Energy director of special projects. “This will be one of the first projects that we bring online since our goal of going carbon neutral has come into place.”
The energy generated here will be sent out of the state.
Eighteen thousand houses might be powered for a year by the 248 megawatts.
“Our wind farm will connect to Northwestern and then the Northwestern transmission system will eventually bring it back to the Puget Sound region,” said Hogan.
According to Hogan, the wind farm is anticipated to generate $150 million in taxes for Stillwater County, which will assist Montana’s economy.
Eder, though, has heard worries.
“It’s going to have an effect on the grazing,” Eder said.
Still, Puget Sound Energy might have more projects in Montana.
“We’re always looking at projects and I can’t say much more than that,” Hogan said. “But Montana has an incredible wealth of resources when it comes to wind and solar .”
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