Local News
Environmental Protection Agency to host public meeting and information session for Billings PCE superfund site
Billings, Montana – The public is invited to a meeting hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at Broadwater Elementary School on Wednesday, November 1st at 6:00 p.m. in Billings, Montana.
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Montana Department of Health and Human Services (DPHHS) will be represented at the meeting, which will be facilitated by EPA staff and contractors. The purpose of the meeting is to update stakeholders and locals on the status of the Billings PCE Superfund Site, including planned and ongoing sampling and cleanup activities.
A review of possible contaminants of concern inside the Site study area, the Superfund process, recent time-critical cleanup activities, and this fall’s sampling and monitoring initiatives are the main subjects of discussion. Questions from the public and property owners are welcome during the meeting.
Please join EPA at Broadwater Elementary on Wednesday, November 1st at 6:00 pm:
15 Broadwater Ave
Billings, MT 59101
The Billings PCE Superfund Site (Site) is a shallow groundwater contamination plume that extends from 24th and Central Avenue approximately three miles east-northeast through several mixed-use neighborhoods east of downtown Billings. The plume is primarily composed of chlorinated solvents from former laundry and dry-cleaning businesses. Although Billings does not use groundwater for drinking water, the vaporization and seepage of chlorinated solvents from the groundwater might cause indoor air quality concerns that could have a negative impact on human health.
When the EPA placed the site on the Superfund National Priorities List in September 2021, it became eligible for federal financing, which could be used to increase environmental investigation and cleanup efforts. Since then, the EPA has carried out remediation operations, collected samples of indoor air and groundwater, and assessed the level of groundwater pollution in collaboration with the City of Billings, state-level agencies, and contractors.
The EPA’s mobile laboratory screened 146 buildings this year; samples were taken from 12 residential irrigation wells and groundwater wells; and 15 impacted structures had vapor mitigation measures installed. These are some of the year’s major highlights. Starting on November 1st, an additional ten installations of vapor mitigation systems are scheduled. In order to address the indoor air exposure pathway, EPA is creating a recommended plan and will keep including the community in the Superfund procedure.
The EPA Superfund page has details regarding the Site, like as dates, functional units, and cleaning initiatives.
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