Local News
Public invited to submit an opinion on the gas station and convenience shop project in Billings

Billings, Montana – The public is welcome to give their thoughts on the installation of new underground storage tanks in Billings.
According to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), a new gas station and convenience shop will be built at 3975 King Ave. West in Billings with seven UST tanks and two fuel islands.
In response to the Draft EA, the DEQ said it will consider and respond to substantive comments received in response to the Draft EA and make one of the following decisions: that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required, that the EA did not adequately reflect issues raised by the proposed action and that a revised EA is required, that further environmental analysis is not required and that the agency can proceed with a final decision without an EIS, that an EIS is not necessary and that the agency can proceed with a final decision.
Each individual who submitted a written opinion or requested notification of the decision will be notified of the decision.
Comments can be made and a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) as required by the Montana Environmental Policy can be viewed here.
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